YSL Dessin du Regard Waterproof Eye Pencil

YSL Dessin du Regard Waterproof Eye Pencil

This is the Dessin du Regard Waterproof Eye Pencil from YSL in the color 1 which I assume translates to ‘pitch black’. Sadly the tip was already chipped when the pencil got to me. It promptly broke off when I tried to apply the color. Luckily that’s nothing a pencil sharpener can’t fix. The mine is really soft, though.

Swatch. The pencil applies a creamy pitch black.

This is soft and waterproof and therefore absolutely perfect for the waterline. It lasts quite well, there are still traces of it on the waterline four hours later. On the skin it’s best for a messy look, as again, the mine is very soft and prone to go all over the place. Also it needs to be blended before it sets, because when it sets, that’s it. This stuff lasts so well, you’ll barely get it off with remover.

So, out of all my black pencils this is the darkest and the best lasting one. I’ve already used up quite a bit of it and for once I’m positive I’ll finish this pencil sooner or later.

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