L’Oreal Orange Magique

L’Oreal Orange Magique

L'Oreal Orange Magique

I did a bit of stash shopping lately and discovered some interesting things I had not shown you yet. For example this orange colored lipstick from L’Oreal, Orange Magique/Magic Orange 163. This color is non limited, from the regular range and still available.

L Orange M1

Orange Magique is a bright juicy orange with red undertones and strong yellow golden shimmer.

L Orange M2

Swatch. I have no other similar color.

Orange Magique has a creamy finish and the color is not quite as scary as it looks in the swatch because it is not completely opaque. So on people with naturally strong lipcolor the color will change some.

Because the lipstick is very creamy it never sets and keeps moving around. The shimmer creeps into lines, but pressing the lips together and moving a bit gets it out again. On me lipstick never bleeds out of the lipline, but if you have problems with that his might not be your favorite finish. Lasting power is low, three hours max without eating or drinking. Eating and drinking reduces it to nothing but a light gold shimmer. The good news is it wears off evenly, so it doesn’t look too terrible even when faded.

On me the color pulls more coral than I expected, but it looks a little different on everybody. I took about a thousand selfies to catch the color on my lips, but they were all terrible. The color likes to escape the camera.

L Orange M3

This was my best catch. 😦 Zoomed in from afar. Really couldn’t see the color on the close ups. Luckily, I’m not the only blogger in the world and I found better pictures here at Jenny’s.

Overall, this is a nice lipstick for those who want to try bright and orange but aren’t quite ready to commit to neon and matte. Note that it comes with the typical L’Oreal lipstick smell.

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